Monday, July 25, 2011



There are some myths about the serpent and a tree. Obviously, there is the famous serpent of the Garden in the Bible. Reason why Christians believe the serpent is evil. But it has a double meaning as explained on THE MEANING OF THE SERPENT. Just to have an idea we can say that there are two serpents: The one which crawls on the ground and the one which can fly: The Feathered Serpent called Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Kukulcan by the Mayas, Kundalini in India, the Chinese Dragon, the serpent of Minerva, the serpent of Aesculapius, the Cobra of the pharaohs, etc.

We can find, in the Greeks’ mythology, the tree of the golden apples (Now you know where the idea of the apple tree in the garden came to Christians) and a dragon or serpent which was protecting the fruits. This serpent was called Ladon. Only the mighty Hercules could defeat it to get three of those apples!

There is another famous serpent that was protecting a tree.